Your Video Marketing, simplified


WHy Is Video Marketing Important?

One of the most important aspects of modern marketing is being consistent, meaning you need a lot of content. But where do you find the time to plan, shoot, create and analyse your content as well as get on with your day job?

With these subscription plans, I take away the stress of your video marketing. I will essentially become a member of your team, working with you to grow your business using video marketing.

Each plan includes brainstorming, planning, shooting, editing and analytics (to help identify what content is performing) for a month’s worth of video content.


Subscription Plans

Social Media

You need tonnes of content for your social media but struggle to find the time to create it.


  • Pre-production and planning to generate content ideas and help the shoot day run smoothly.

  • 1x Full day shoot or 2x half day shoots.

  • 1x piece of longer content (an advert, testimonial, brand video etc.). Great for keeping your website updated and looking fresh.

  • 12x short social media clips, with fast-paced editing and graphics to grab your viewer’s attention. Giving you enough content for 3 posts a week.

  • Regular review of analytics to find out what types of content work for your business, allowing us to create more successful content in the future.

Cost - £2000 + VAT per month


You want to be seen as a thought leader in your field or you want to help your customers use your products.


  • Pre-production and planning to generate content ideas and help the shoot day run smoothly.

  • 1x Full day shoot or 2x Half day shoots.

  • 4x Educational videos up to 10 mins. Great for building a YouTube channel or blog content.

  • 12x short social media clips, 3 for each longer video to help you promote the main content on your social media.

  • Regular review of analytics to find out what types of content work for your business, allowing us to create more successful content in the future.

Cost - £2000 + VAT per month

Create Your Own

Maybe your business doesn’t fall into the Social Media or Education subscription plans.


  • Pre-production and planning to generate content ideas and help the shoot day run smoothly.

  • Flexible number of shoot days.

  • Flexible amount of content

  • Regular review of analytics to find out what types of content work for your business, allowing us to create more successful content in the future.

  • Optional extras such as YouTube channel management

Cost - from £2000 + VAT per month


What OUr Clients Say


Your Questions Answered

Should I employ someone instead?

When you add up the cost of a yearly subscription it comes to £24,000, so you may be thinking ‘I could employ someone for that’ but it’s not quite so simple. First of all, for that wage, you would be looking at a recent graduate or someone at the beginning of their video marketing journey. In contrast, I have over 13 years of experience building the skills to not only make beautiful content but also know what types of video will work for your business.

Secondly, how much content do you need> For a full-time 40-hour-per-week worker you would expect to have new video content every other day but would you be pushing out quantity over quality? And do you need that much video for your business?

Lastly, the costs don’t stop with your employee’s salary, you would also need to take into account sickness, holiday, training and pensions, just to name a few things.

With the subscription service, you know the exact cost, how much you will be getting and a guarantee of quality and experience.

What will I have to do?

I’m not going to lie, there will be some effort on your end. For example, when we start working together we will need to brainstorm video ideas. But as I learn more about your business I will be able to come up with ideas myself and just run them past you. The longer we work together, the less you will have to be involved.

Also, you will have to post the content yourself. I will be on hand to give you all the materials you need and guide you on where and how to post the videos, but it will be up to you to do the posting. To make a video truly successful you will need to post it on your social media platforms multiple times, turn it into a blog post on your website and include it in your newsletter to name a few things. This is something that I can take off your hands but it would be an added cost which we can discuss.

And of course, you may have to star in the videos.

What goes into the cost?

The subscription makes the process cheaper than if you produced the videos separately. Let me break down the Education plan to show you what I mean. On a standard shoot for 4 longer pieces of content and 12 social media clips, you would be looking at:

A couple of hours of planning - £200
One-day shoot - £735
Two days editing - £1470
Total - £2405

Making it £405 or about 16% cheaper for you. Plus, this isn’t taking into account the ongoing analytics and improvement to create better-performing content.

So what’s in it for me, why wouldn’t I just charge the higher amount? In all honesty, the regular guaranteed income is worth taking a small hit to my profits. But looking at it from another way, having a longer-term partnership will allow me to take more control of the video projects, learn more about your business and create more engaging content which is a lot more creatively rewarding for me over one-time projects.

Can I Cancel?

The plans are on a 12-month contract meaning you will be signing up for at least 12 months. The main reason behind this is that video marketing is a long-term method. Not only do we need to find out what type of content works for your business but we also need to give it time for your viewer base to grow. By the end of the 12 months, you can either see the return the investment has brought to your business or we can part ways and move on and you will still have that bank of content we have created together over the last 12 months.


Book Your Call

I can only take on 5 subscription clients at one time so don’t miss your chance. Get in touch now by filling out the form below.